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The MLA membership voted to approve the recent Bylaws change regarding rolling memberships. Please read this FAQ and reach out to Amigos at with any questions.
A rolling, or anniversary, membership begins on the day it is purchased and is valid for 365 days. For example, if a person registers for membership on March 31, 2024, the membership will begin on March 31, 2024 and end on March 30, 2025. In the past, MLA only offered calendar year memberships that began on January 1, and ended on December 31, of the following year.
Under the previous membership model, those who joined in the middle of the membership year received less than a full year of benefits. Now, regardless of when you join, you’ll receive benefits for a year. The timing is up to you.
Renewal notices are sent out based on the expiration date of your membership. Notices will begin two months in advance and continue for two months after expiration, at which point you will be marked in the MLA’s system as a lapsed member. For example, if your membership expires in March, you can expect to start receiving renewal notices in January.
No. Under a rolling membership cycle, each annual renewal adds twelve months onto your existing membership term. If you renew early, your additional membership year will begin when the current one ends.
All current MLA members will have an ‘anniversary date’ of January 1 Your membership year will remain the same as before, January 1-December 31. Only new MLA members or members who renew after being lapsed will be impacted by the rolling membership year change.