Present a slate of two or more candidates for President-Elect, and no fewer than five candidates for Member-At-Large.
Candidates for Member-At-Large should alternate between academic/special libraries and public libraries/trustees beginning with public libraries/trustees libraries in 2012.
Present a slate of two or more candidates for American Library Association Councilor every three years (beginning in 2001). Nominations are in accordance with ALA guidelines.
Prepare and distribute the ballots and statements of professional concerns to all Individual members in a timely manner in order to permit notification of the winners at least twenty-one days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. All ballots must be received by the designated deadline.
Line up three MLA members in good standing to count the ballots after the designated election deadline.
In the event of a tie, prepare and distribute tie-breaker ballots to those eligible voters present at the Annual Business meeting who shall vote to determine the outcome.
Forward the names of the new officers to the MLA President for announcement at the Annual Business Meeting.
Duties outlined in the MLA Handbook.